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Comparative Analysis of Two Multiphase Flowing Material Balance Calculation Methods in Predicting Reservoir Drainage Areas
E. Stalgorova*, J. Prefontaine (S&P Global)
Comparative Analysis and Ranking of 13 U.S. Onshore Tight Oil Plays Based on Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR)
P. Panja*, R. Sorkhabi, V. Bajracharya, M. Deo (Chemical Engineering, University of Utah)
Reservoir Performance Analysis and Field Development Strategies of the Tasour Oil Field in Yemen
M. A. Al-aqar* (Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering , Sana'a University)
Modeling Spacing and Completion Design Tradeoffs for a Full Stack Development in the Midland Basin
C. Connell*1, K. LaMotta1, M. Fuller2, A. Huff2 (1. PetroAI; 2. SM Energy)
Using Machine Learning to Forecast Longer Duration Inventory Across Rockies Unconventional Plays
B. Myers, G. A. Quintero* (Novi Labs)
Machine Learning-Driven Ensemble-Based Workflow for Robust History Matching and Forecasting of Hydraulic Fractured Wells
K. Shrivastava*, J. Rojas, B. Tang (SLB)
A New Theoretical Approach for Modeling Cumulative Production in Hydraulic Fracturing Unconventional Gas Wells
E. J. Orozco Cera* (Independent Consultant Energy Economics)
Universal Material Balance Equation for the Analysis of Condensate Gas Reservoirs with Edgewater and Bottomwater Drive Aquifer
J. Wang* (PetroChina)
Methods for Preventing Interference in Fracture Placement and Optimization of Enhanced Recovery Processes for Horizontal Wells in Shale Oil Reservoirs
X. Xiong* (Sinopec Exploration and Production Research Institute)
Describing Well Spacing: Dimensionality at Work
K. Sathaye*1, D. Niederhut1, A. Cui2 (1. Sales, Novi Labs; 2. Civitas Resources)
A Bottoms-Up Analysis of Development Scenarios in the Permian Basin Using Machine Learning
B. Myers, G. A. Quintero* (Novi Labs)
Enhancing Infill Drilling with Machine Learning: A Workflow for Optimized Well Placement
T. Gao*1, P. Zhang1, B. Fu1, 2 (1. Variables Intelligence Corporation; 2. University of Central Oklahoma)
Enhancing Field Development and Reservoir Performance Through Multidisciplinary Strategies: Insights from Unconventional Basins
T. Karaman*1, 2, J. Stenhouse1, 2 (1. H2Oil; 2. SPE)
Prospects for a Vibrant UK Shale Gas Industry: Getting the Policies and Politics Right
B. Bassey* (Energy and Power, Cranfield University)
Unveiling Compartmentalization, Intricate Filling Histories, And Operational Oil Changes From EOR Techniques Through Advanced Multivariate Geochemical Fingerprinting In A Mature Abu Dhabi Oilfield, UAE
T. Koksalan1, K. A. Khan1, A. Salahuddin1, N. Aljneibi1, M. N. AlBlooshi1, J. Adams*2 (1. ADNOC Onshore; 2. Stratum Reservoir)
Smart Isotope Tracking Strategies: Cost-Effective And Real-Time Dynamic Monitoring Of CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery In Oil Reservoirs
T. Koksalan*, K. A. Khan, R. AlWaeel, N. Aljneibi, M. N. AlBlooshi (ADNOC Onshore)
Characterization of Argentine Sands Implemented to Stimulation of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin
C. D. Bossio*, M. Arrospide, R. Ignacio Escobar (YPF SA)
Using Real-Time Acoustic Friction Analysis for Completion Design Evaluation
P. R. McFall*1, J. De La Garza2, M. Khan2 (1. Sage Butte Energy; 2. Seismos Inc.)
Implementation of Multi-Phase Chemical Traces to Evaluate the Contribution of Extended Lateral Lengths in Unconventional Field
A. K. Al Mulhim*, A. A. Alamri, A. M. Alowaid (UR)
Unconventional Resources Well Cost Benchmarking Study: Trends, Forecasts, and Operator Efficiency
S. Mubarak*1, A. Al-Shawaf2, M. MacPhee2 (1. Aramco Services Company; 2. Saudi Aramco)
Integrated Field Development: Utilizing Digital Twins and Generative AI for Multidimensional Scenario Optimization. An Australian Mega Project Assessment
L. Fredericks, G. Osborne, T. Bothwell* (Commercial, Operator)
From Concept to Production:Optimizing Operations with Shallow Lineament Detection: A Case Study from the Delaware Basin, Reeves County, Texas
S. Simmons*1, J. Sloan2, C. Mack2, C. P. Ross3 (1. Greenlake Energy; 2. Core Geologic; 3. Cross Quantitative Interpretation)
Emerging Visean Unconventional Play Within the Dnieper Donets Basin, Eastern Ukraine: Multidisciplinary Approach from Exploration to Pilot Testing
S. Orynchak*, S. Levoniuk, V. Karpyn, V. Kuznetsov, O. Pavlushonok (JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya)
Appraisal of Vaca Muerta Fm. on the Southern Edge of Neuquén Basin Proves Successful
J. E. Ponce*, F. Serra (Engineering, CAPEX)
Casing Deformation in Unconventional Developments: Case Study Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina
D. T. Licitra*, F. J. Vittore, B. Espindola (YPF S.A.)
Common Equation of State Based Compositional Simulation to Quantify Uncertainty for Multi-Bench Faulted Reservoirs in the Permian Basin
T. Gang*1, C. Lenoir1, H. Tang2, C. Ortega3, C. Chen1, H. Behzadi1 (1. Oxy; 2. geologist; 3. completion)
Exploring the Limitations, Benefits and Pitfalls of Various Sample Preparation Methods for ED-XRF Analyzed at Wellsite as a Tool for Near Real Time Geological Interpretation
D. A. Delgado*1, A. Morrell2, N. Ganser2 (1. University of Houston; 2. RohmTek)
Joint Identification of Lithology and Lithofacies in Core Images Based on Deep Learning
H. Wang*, F. Gou, H. Wang*, S. Cai (Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute)
Method for Measuring Porosity and Fluid Saturation of Tight Rock Drill Cuttings
J. D. Walls*, E. Ahmed, A. Mitra (Premier Corex)
Maximizing Value from Drill Cuttings: A Case Study in Eagle Ford Using Robotic XRF Logging
D. Tonner*, A. Liborius (DIVERSIFIED)
Improving the Accuracy of Nuclear Spectroscopy Logs in the Permian Basin by Calibrating Elemental Composition with Mixed-Lithology Core Chemistry
H. Mora*1, W. Guo1, Y. Abulaiha1, H. Wang2, M. Cheshire2, A. Kostinovsky3, L. Crousse3, M. Edwards3, B. Kurniawan2 (1. Halliburton; 2. Subsurface, Chevron Technical Center, a division of Chevron U.S.A. Inc.; 3. Chevron North America Exploration and Production Company)
Sound Balance: Two-Phase Production Logging by Integrating Mass Balance and DAS-Based Speed of Sound Measurements
P. Moradi* (SoundFalls LLC)
NMR Monitored Spontaneous Imbibition of Oil in Unconventional Reservoir Demonstrates Reservoir Heterogeneity
S. Althaus*1, J. Chen1, J. Broyles1, S. Eichmann1, J. Duncan1, M. Boudjatit2 (1. Aramco Americas: Aramco Research Center; 2. Saudi Aramco)
Enhancing Lithology Classification Through a Deep Learning Framework
P. Zhang*, T. Gao, R. Li (Variables Intelligence Corporation)
Revolutionizing Tight Oil Reservoir Exploration: Integrating 3D Far-Field Sonic, Borehole Image, NMR, and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Measurements for Precise Pay Zone Discovery
D. Yu*1, Z. Cui2 (1. SLB; 2. Petrochina changqing oilfield)
Multimodal Neural Network for Porosity and Permeability Estimation in Tight Gas Reservoirs: A Case Study in the Ordos Basin, China
S. Cai*, Y. Xiao, H. Wang, F. Gou, H. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Ye (Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute)
CO2 Transport and Storage in Tight Liquid-Rich Shales: Experiments and Molecular Simulations for Cyclic Processes
Y. Lyu*1, A. Gupta2, S. Althaus2, S. L. Eichmann2, K. Jessen1 (1. University of Southern California, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, US, academic; 2. Aramco Americas Research Center, Houston)
Integrating Machine Learning in Geomechanical Property Prediction for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study of the Bakken Formation
L. Nkok*, A. Fadairo, C. Nkansah, T. I. Oguntade (University of North Dakota)
Drill Bit Walk and Near-Wellbore Heterogeneity Illuminated by Azimuthal Gamma Ray While Drilling Into Hard and Interbedded Formations Along Unconventional Horizontal Wells
H. Wang*1, K. Randall1, K. Sutherland1, M. Edwards2, Y. Se1, E. Stockhausen3, P. Clark3 (1. Chevron Technical Center; 2. Chevron North America Exploration and Production Company; 3. Retired from Chevron)
Stretching the LWD Envelope for Geological Characterization of High-Temperature Deep Basement: A Case Study from Offshore China
X. Zhou* (SLB)
A Numerical Modeling Aapproach to Predict the Effect of Scale Precipitation in Formation Rock
G. Sun*, R. Salazar, A. Mittal, A. Fager, B. Crouse (Dassault Systemes)
Fracking Success Field Case: Ten-times Production Increase by the Combination of Deep Domain Knowledge, Digital Solutions, and Execution Technologies
J. F. Reyes*1, A. Izurieta2, M. X. Fiallos Torres2, P. Zamora2, S. Mata2, 3, M. Caviedes2 (1. EP Petroecuador; 2. SLB; 3. Shaya)
Geological Engineering Characteristics and Comprehensive Fracability Evaluation Method of Tight Sandstone in the Jurassic Qianfoya Formation in Sichuan Basin, China
X. Fan*1, H. Wang1, F. Li1, T. Zhou1, J. Cui1, H. Zeng2, J. Li2 (1. SINOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute; 2. SINOPEC Zhongyuan Oilfield Company)
Hydraulic Fracture Geometry Improvements Through Oriented Perforations: Case Study in Vaca Muerta Formation
M. E. Vitolo*1, M. Frydman2, J. Fernandez1, L. Quintana1, I. Lanusse Noguera1, F. Gonzalez Tomassini1, J. P. Palacio1, V. Lazzari1, A. Moler1, S. Marinari1 (1. Phoenix Global Resources; 2. Consultant)
Fracking Success Field Case: Ten-times Production Increase by the Combination of Deep Domain Knowledge, Digital Solutions, and Execution Technologies
J. F. Reyes*1, A. Izurieta2, M. X. Fiallos Torres2, P. Zamora2, S. Mata2, 3, M. Caviedes2 (1. EP Petroecuador; 2. SLB; 3. Shaya)
Geological Engineering Characteristics and Comprehensive Fracability Evaluation Method of Tight Sandstone in the Jurassic Qianfoya Formation in Sichuan Basin, China
X. Fan*1, H. Wang1, F. Li1, T. Zhou1, J. Cui1, H. Zeng2, J. Li2 (1. SINOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute; 2. SINOPEC Zhongyuan Oilfield Company)
Hydraulic Fracture Geometry Improvements Through Oriented Perforations: Case Study in Vaca Muerta Formation
M. E. Vitolo*1, M. Frydman2, J. Fernandez1, L. Quintana1, I. Lanusse Noguera1, F. Gonzalez Tomassini1, J. P. Palacio1, V. Lazzari1, A. Moler1, S. Marinari1 (1. Phoenix Global Resources; 2. Consultant)
Enhanced Biot-Rayleigh Model for Acoustic Wave Propagation in Three-Phase Saturated Unconventional Reservoirs
J. Gao*, B. Yuan, W. Zhang, H. Zhang (School of Petroleum Engineering)
Pressure Response Characteristics of Shale Hydraulic Fracturing Based on Wavelet Decomposition: An Experimental Study
R. Yong, Z. Xiong, E. Dong, X. Hu* (China University of Petroleum)
Identification of Indicators of Natural Hydrogen Generation from Overmature Organic Matter in the Paraná Basin, Brazil
K. C. Farias Neves*, C. C. Tassinari (Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, São Paulo)
High-Resolution DFN Modeling via Seismic Attribute Integration in the Sichuan Basin for Completion Optimization
J. Leines*, W. Yu, C. Liu, J. Miao (SimTech LLC)
Methodology for Induced Stress Field Calculation and Modeling in Shale Gas Refracturing
Y. Guo*1, J. Zhao1, J. Huang2, L. Ren1, R. Lin1 (1. Southwest Petroleum University; 2. ZhenHua Oil)
Coupled Geomechanical Analysis of Parent and Child Well Interactions and Production Optimization
D. Kumar* (Computer Modelling Group)
Fracture Analysis of Multi-Stage Fracturing Integrating Low-Frequency DAS and Micro-Seismic Method: A Case Study in Weiyuan Shale Gas
Y. Li*2, H. He2, Z. Wu3, K. He4, T. Guo1, M. Chen1, Z. Wang1, Z. Hu1 (1. China University of Petroleum (East China); 2. CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company; 3. China Petroleum Technical Service Corporation; 4. CNPC Greatwall Drilling Company)
Complex Deformation of Caprocks
F. Nath* (Petroleum Engineering Program)
Calibration of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) Fracture Closure Detection Using Laboratory Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments
M. A. Gabry*1, Z. Ye2, A. G. Ramadan1, A. Ghassemi3, M. Y. Soliman1 (1. Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston; 2. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; 3. The University of Oklahoma)
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Induced Seismicity: A Technical Review of Data Scarcity Challenges
O. O. Komolafe*, W. J. Berger III, Z. Metz, N. E. Wells, D. Wedding (Berger Geosciences, LLC)
Laboratory-Scale Models of Multistage Hydraulic Fracture Treatments on Transparent Gelatin Blocks
C. Kalu*2, A. Michael1, A. Abes1 (1. University of North Dakota; 2. University of North Dakota)
Oyster Build-Ups in Vaca Muerta-Quintuco System: How to Mitigate Drilling Risks?
F. Bernard*, H. O. Biglia, M. Rozado, L. Toledo, K. Anis (YPF SA)
Analysis of Casing Deformation in Horizontal Wells of Deep Shale Gas Reservoirs: Causes and Mitigation Strategies
H. Huang2, C. Liu*1 (1. The University of Texas at Austin; 2. PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company)
Developing a Geomechanical Model for Stimulation Design in Light Oil in the Carbonate Shale
D. Betancourt*1, C. Rabe2, W. Valbuena3, E. Solorzano4, J. P. Salazar2 (1. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Capital Federal; 2. Baker Hughes; 3. Universidad del Zulia; 4. Universidad de Oriente)
Brittleness and Hardness Characterization of UnConventional Tight Reservoirs for Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization
X. Cui*1, W. Zheng2, G. Spray1, C. Twemlow1 (1. Agat Laboratories; 2. University of Northern British Columbia)
Optimizing Hydraulic Fracturing in Water-Sensitive Shales: A Comparative Study of Frac Fluid Performance
F. Nath* (Petroleum Engineering Program)
A Novel Solution for Modeling Multi-Plane Hydraulic Fractures with Tensile and Shear Deformation
C. Karacaer*1, G. Shaw2, E. Agartan1, T. Firincioglu1, G. Bowen2, C. Ozgen1 (1. NITEC LLC; 2. Ridgeway Kite)
The Vertical Fracture Propagation in Cross-Layer Fracturing of Continental Shale Oil Reservoirs: A New Numerical Simulation Study
G. Huang*1, M. Li2, F. Zhou1, G. Lu1, J. Chu1 (1. China university of petroelum(Beijing)); 2. PetroChina Corporation)
Numerical Simulation of Inter-Well Fracturing Interference and Fault Reactivation in Layered Shale Based on Discrete Lattice Method
Z. Zhang*1, 2, J. Tang1, J. Li3, F. Zhang*1, G. Hui2, S. Chen2 (1. Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University; 2. University of Calgary; 3. University of Science and Technology of China)
Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing Design for Deep Shale Gas Reservoirs with Natural Fracture Networks
H. Huang2, C. Liu*1 (1. The University of Texas at Austin; 2. PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company)
Experimental Study of Proppant Flowback with Standard Core Samples
H. Tang*1, X. Zhang1, K. Di2, S. Xie3, L. Zhang1 (1. Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University; 2. Sinopec; 3. PetroChina)
Impact of Relative Stress Magnitudes and Well Orientation on Well Productivity Across Major U.S. Shale Plays: A Regional Data Analysis Study
M. A. Gabry* (Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston)
Geological Settings and Organic Geochemical Characterization of Visean Unconventional Formations Within Dnieper-Donets Basin, Eastern Ukraine: Implication for Hydrocarbon-Generating Potential
S. Levoniuk*, S. Orynchak, V. Karpyn, V. Kuznetsov, O. Pavlushonok (JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya)
Geochemical and Structural Responses of Carbonate Rocks to Supercritical CO2 and Brine Exposure
L. Nkok*, A. Fadairo, R. Aluah, T. I. Oguntade (University of North Dakota)
Unveiling Hidden Bias: The Effects of OBM Cleaning on TOC and Thermal Maturity
G. Russell*, E. Zubia, M. W. Rahman (Impac Exploration Services)
The Effects of Sample Preparation in Interpreting the Pyrolysis-Based Organic Matter Analysis in Immature Oil Shale
Z. Zhao*1, 2, R. Littke2, C. Hartkopf-Fröder3 (1. RIPED; 2. RWTH Aachen University; 3. University of Cologne)
Carbon Dioxide Attack on Wellbore Cement: Synthetic Brine Versus Natural Formation Water Under Geologic Carbon Sequestration Conditions
L. Arya*, Q. Li (Geosciences, Stony Brook university)
A Deep Learning Model for Predicting Anisotropic Stresses Around Boreholes in Shales on Large Scale Grids
W. Yousuf*, J. Kim (Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University)
Cluster Efficiency Machine Learning Model Validation with Fiber-Optic and Tracer Data
A. Khan*1, R. Korkin1, G. Alaamri2, S. Kurniadi1 (1. Digital Solutions, SLB; 2. Petroleum Development of Oman)
Machine-Learning Driven Prediction of Geological Marker Signatures
S. Sharan*, K. Shrivastava, P. Irgens (SLB)
Intelligent Prediction of Shale Oil Fracturing Curves Based on Sequence-to-Sequence Models
L. Zheng, T. Liang*, Y. Wang, F. Zhou, J. Wu, B. Wang, J. Zhang, M. Yang, G. Chen (China university of petroleum (Beijing))
Geomechanical Characterization and Fracture Design Optimization in Horizontal Wells Without Logs: Enhancing Production and Mitigating Risks with Advanced AI
H. Soroush* (Teverra LLC)
Synthetic Data-Driven Hybrid Deep Learning Methodology for Predicting Remaining Useful Life of Sensors in Downhole Drilling Equipment
A. Shah*, J. Chen, X. Wu, X. Fu (ECE, University of Houston)
Evaluating DSU Orientation in the Bakken Basin: Integrating Machine Learning and Physics-Based Models for Optimal Development
M. A. Jakymec*, A. Kianinejad, M. McKimmy, C. Miranda, S. Matringe (Hess Corp)
Quantifying Spacing Degradation Across the Northern Delaware Basin Using Machine Learning and Log Based Properties
C. Connell*1, K. LaMotta1, M. Mayer2 (1. PetroAI; 2. TGS)
Leveraging Experiments and AI to Unravel Mixed Foam Stability for Water Sensitive Porous Media Applications
F. Nath*, R. Garcilazo Jr. (Petroleum Engineering Program)
Real-Time Detection and Monitoring of Volume Loss Events in Permian Wells
M. Nallapusala*, V. Gupta, A. Ahn, Y. Yang, J. Kaus, B. Argyle, L. Zhang, F. Qiu (ExxonMobil)
Comparative Analysis of Effective Gas Wells Liquid Loading Mitigation Techniques (Velocity String, WHC, SJP, Foam Lifting, Cyclic Shut-In, Plunger Lifting): Enhancing Productivity In Low-Potential Gas Wells
T. Ismail*1, A. Latrach1, E. Amer2 (1. University of Wyoming; 2. Petrogistix)
Well Cycling Optimization in Liquid Loaded Wells
P. S. Chauhan*, Z. Li, S. Sankaran (Solutions , Xecta Digital Labs)
Stimulation of Tight Sandstones with High-Power Ultrasound Tools in Yard-Scale Tests
M. J. AlTammar*, R. T. Alfaraj, K. M. Alruwaili (Saudi Aramco)
The First Application of Micro-Proppants in Two Deep, Low-Permeability, Permian Coal Stimulations in the Taroom Trough, Bowen Basin, Australia
R. Johnson Jr.*1, 2, P. Saldungaray3 (1. Novus Fuels; 2. University of Queensland; 3. Carbo Ceramics)
Investigation of Oil-Water Two-Phase Flow Behavior in Shale Reservoirs with Nanopores and Bedding Fractures Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Q. Pan*1, 2, L. Cheng1, P. Jia1, R. cao1, H. Dehghanpour2 (1. Petroleum Engineering, China university of petroleum-Beijing; 2. University of Alberta)
Eagle Ford Miscible Fluid Injection Pilot Project Evaluation and Economic Evaluation Under Different Utility Ratios
Y. Gong*, T. P. McMahon (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin)
Decoding Surfactant Efficiency in Kerogen Nanopores: Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Enhanced Shale Oil Recovery
W. Zhao, H. Nasrabadi* (Texas A&M University)
Experimental Insights into Oil Remobilization in Tight Formations Using Nanoparticle-Assisted Surfactant Solutions
S. Khalilinezhad* (Engineering and Applied Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Enhancing Oil Recovery in the Middle Bakken Formation: Efficacy of Zwitterionic Surfactants in High-Salinity and High-Temperature Reservoirs
T. I. Oguntade, A. Fadairo, L. Yvan Nkok, C. Nkansah*, R. Aluah, M. Bawuah (Petroleum Engineering, University of North Dakota)
Unlocking Potential: Supercritical CO2 Hybrid Fracturing Enables Efficient Recovery of Lacustrine Shale Oil
C. Sun*1, D. Zhou2, Y. Yang3, Y. Wang4 (1. Petroleum Exploration and Production Institution of Sinopec; 2. China Petrochemical Corporation; 3. Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Branch; 4. Sinopec East China Oil & Gas Branch)
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Binary Surfactant Foam for the Co-Optimization of the Methods of Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage
A. Bello*, D. B. Dorhjie, A. Ivanova, A. Cheremisin (Eco Energy LLC)
Optimizing Well Spacing to Maximize Horizontal Well Performance and Recovery
A. Alzahabi1, A. Kamel*1, A. Trindade2, K. Sathaye3 (1. Petroleum Engineering, UT Permian Basin; 2. Texas Tech University; 3. Novilabs)
Zero-Emission Surface Facility for Recycling CO2+NGL to Maximize Carbon Sink in Unconventional Plays
E. Aronoff, J. Palaia* (Pioneer Energy)
Monitoring Production and Flow Dynamics Throughout the Life of Unconventional Oil and Gas Wells with Extended Turndown Ratio Multiphase Flowmeter
M. Fiore*1, M. bin Razali1, T. Zhang1, K. Yang1, K. Moncada2, A. Abdelhak2, J. Cepeda2, L. Husoschi2 (1. SLB; 2. SLB)
Revolutionizing Lithium Recovery: Machine Learning, Explainable AI, and USGS Data Integration
S. Jilhewar1, R. Singh1, R. Mercer1, V. Jayaram*1, Z. Hildenbrand2 (1. Neuralix Inc.; 2. Infinity Water Solution)
Clean Hydrogen Production in Unconventional
N. Boppana* (Chemical Engineering , The University of Texas Permian Basin)
Measurement and Analysis of CO2 Adsorption and Permeability in Shales and Sandstones for Geological Carbon Storage
S. Yao*, A. Prakasan, D. Paker, R. Ratnakar, B. Dindoruk (University of Houston)
dMRV Needs Analysis and Requirements for Coal-Assisted CCS
N. Visser*, J. M. Pope (Carbon GeoCapture Corporation)
An Integrated Workflow to Optimize Heat Production from Enhanced Geothermal Systems
S. Gautam* (CMG Ltd.)
Techno-Economic Study of CO2 Fracturing as a Sustainable Development of Shale Reservoirs in Mexico
C. F. Silva-Escalante*1, 2, R. Camacho-Velázquez1, A. P. Gomora-Figueroa1 (1. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); 2. Mexican Petroleum Institute (IMP))
Understanding Simulation of Closed-Loop Wells for Geothermal Recovery: A Sensitivity Study on Physical and Numerical Aspects
J. Rojas*, B. Tang (SLB)
Geothermal Sweep Efficiency Enhancement Potential Analysis Using Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation on Unconventional Deadwood Formation
A. Mohammed*, S. S. Namie, D. Wang, O. Oni, Y. Ji (Geology and Geological Engineering, University of North Dakota)
Feasibility Analysis and Formation Evaluation for Converting Depleted Hydrocarbon Fields to Geothermal Energy Production
J. Bynum*1, C. Wethington2 (1. Baker Hughes; 2. ERM)
Technical Economic Feasibility Study for Capture of CO2 from Millar Western Pulp Industry and Potential Use in Enhanced Oil Recovery Process or Storage in Alberta, Canada
G. J. Chourio Arocha*1, M. Kaleem1, P. Hurtado1, M. Jiryayi Sherahi1, A. Alvarez2, N. Mahinpey1, A. Kantzas1 (1. Engineering, University of Calgary; 2. Computer Modeling Group)
Unlocking GHG Reduction Potential and Enhanced Oil Recovery with Direct Contact Steam Generation Technology: A Case Study in Lloydminster, Canada
B. Kay, T. Hartley, A. Hassan* (General Energy Recovery Inc. (GERI))


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