Visit the Core Exhibits, sponsored by Core Laboratories in the Exhibit Hall (#1109) to see core samples from around North America and discover the true variability of these tight reservoirs.
Core evaluation has undergone a rebirth over the last decade thanks to unconventional plays both in North America and globally, which has necessitated a back-to-the-rocks approach to reservoir analysis.
Core evaluation continues to be a fundamental component of reservoir characterization during the exploration phase and, with recent advances, has become crucial in ongoing development as we continue to push the technological envelope to increase EUR’s via Enhanced Oil Recovery mechanisms in these unconventional reservoirs. Presentations and materials displaying the analytical methods and raw data will help provide a better understanding of the sedimentology, petrology, and reservoir characterization.
Core samples at this year's URTeC may include:
- Wolfcamp (Delaware and Midland)
- Woodford Permian
- Eagle Ford
- Avalon Shale
- Bone Spring
- Utica
- Haynesville
- Austin Chalk