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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the sponsoring associations AAPG, SEG and SPE, alongside local associations... Argentine Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists (AAGGP) and the Argentine and Patagonia sections of the SPE, we are pleased to welcome you to the Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (Latam URTeC 2023) taking place in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 4-6 December.

Themed Unconventional Solutions for a Low Carbon Future, the conference builds on the inaugural Latin America URTeC 2020 event held online during the COVID-10 pandemic. The 2023 conference has a regional focus, bringing speakers from 82 organizations and 18 countries to Buenos Aires to share their expertise with a global audience.

The exploration and development of unconventional resources in Latin America, conducted within the context of sustainable strategies, technologies, and practices, plays a fundamental role in our societies and in shaping the future and evolution of the region’s energy sector.

A decade of development in the Vaca Muerta shale serves as a clear example of the results and achievements in Unconventional ventures.

We will hear Vaca Muerta story on Monday morning. In the Opening Session, YPF CEO and Latin America URTeC Honorary Chair, will share experience and results from the company’s activities in Vaca Muerta, as well a vision of the future of the reservoir’s future value for the region. The Operator’s Vision of Vaca Muerta Panel features perspectives from Argentinean and international companies working in the country.

As is characteristic of URTeC conferences, Latam URTeC 2023 offers broad and multidisciplinary technical program with nine themes relating to traditional engineering and geoscience topics, as well as Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. Attendees can choose from 60 oral presentations and 52 poster presentations during the 2 ½ day technical program.

The technical program is complemented by four special sessions and three topical luncheons featuring executive-level speakers whose organizations are working to meet the dual goals of providing energy security while reducing their carbon footprint, implementing new technologies, and incorporating diversity into leadership teams and business practices.

As a demonstration of our commitment to the comprehensive development of industry professionals and partnership with local professional societies, the Latin America URTeC program includes a field trip and three short courses organized by the AAGGP and SPE Argentine Petroleum and Patagonia Sections.

The event also offers opportunities for the next generation of energy professionals: reduced registration rates, volunteer opportunities and free admission to the exhibition and the poster session on Wednesday. The Student and Young Professional Technical Symposium, open to all and free of charge, takes place on December 6, immediately following the URTeC event.

Finally, we want to thank the URTeC sponsoring organizations, host organizations, principal sponsor YPF, other corporate sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees for your trust, support, and efforts to bring a successful conference to Argentina.

We welcome you to the wonderful City of Buenos Aires and we hope you take advantage of all the opportunities offered in this Latin American edition of URTeC.


Isaac Aviles
SPE Program Chair, SLB
Eduardo Vallejo
AAPG Program Chair, YPF Tecnología
Gustavo Carstens
SEG Program Chair, Independent Consultant