Sponsor the Fastest Growing Conference in Unconventionals
URTeC is the most relevant, multidisciplinary event for unconventional resource development. URTeC’s unique, integrated and collaborative platform is vital for the continued innovation and advancement of global resource plays.
Benefits of Sponsoring URTeC
- Investment in the innovation and advancement of our shared unconventional industry
- Supports geoscientists and engineers from the world’s largest and leading scientific organizations
- Opportunity to align your company with a high-quality, science technology forum developed by an interdisciplinary program committee
- Highly visible exposure to scientists and executives seeking solutions for improved fiscal and operational results
Sponsorship Levels
Opportunities for every budget, sponsorship levels allow you the chance to select the best fit for your company.
Sponsor Recognition provided
according to total amount received
Company logo with hyperlink on event website
Company logo with hyperlink on scrolling banner on home page
Company logo in Program Book
Company logo on PowerPoint slides in Technical Session rooms on-site
On-site Signage
Complimentary full-conference registrations
Five (5)
Four (4)
Three (3)
Two (2)
One (1)
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Quarter Page
Sponsorship Items
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