Copyright FAQ

Copyright FAQ for URTeC Authors

URTeC presenters frequently wonder whether they need express permission from URTeC to republish their paper in another format. The answer is typically “no,” but some accompanying text is usually required. Instructions for dealing with some of the more common scenarios are provided below. For additional copyright questions not addressed here, please .

Can I distribute my paper to others or post it on my or my employer's website?

ASince URTeC is its own entity jointly owned by SPE, AAPG, and SEG, our copyright is slightly different than that of the individual organizations and states that authors retain the following rights:

  1. The right to reproduce the Work, including figures, drawings, tables, and abstracts of the Work, with proper copyright acknowledgment, for any purpose.
  2. All proprietary rights in the Work that were not transferred to URTeC, including the right to any patentable subject matter that might not be contained in the Work.
  3. The right to make oral presentation of the same or similar information as that contained in the Work, provided proper acknowledgment is made of URTeC copyright ownership and current publication status.
  4. The right to post the Work or portions thereof on Authors’ own Web pages or on Web pages or institutional repositories operated by authors’ employers, in either case with acknowledgment of URTeC copyright and a link to an official version published online by URTeC. If Authors’ online posting or reproduction of the Work in another form constitutes a modification of the Work as published by URTeC, an accompanying notification stating this is required.

So yes, you retain the right to distribute the work as you like or post it on your own website as long as it includes an acknowledgement of the URTeC copyright and a link to an official version published online by URTeC (i.e. via OnePetro, Datapages, or SEG Digital Library).

Do I need permission to include my URTeC paper as part of my thesis?

ANo express permission from us is needed; the following text just needs to be included: 'The following URTeC paper, (TITLE OF PAPER GOES HERE), is reprinted with permission from the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, whose permission is required for further use.'

Can I reuse a figure from my URTeC paper in another publication? Do I need permission?

ANo express permission from us is needed; the following text just needs to be included: 'This figure reprinted from AUTHOR, YEAR, with permission from URTeC, whose permission is required for further use.' The URTeC paper should then be included in the citations like any other reference.

Can a modified version of my URTeC paper be published in another journal?

AIt will most likely need to be significantly modified, as most publishers will not republish something already out in the literature. For example, the AAPG Bulletin only allows 25-30% of the new paper to be a duplicate of the previously published version. Because your URTeC paper has been published by the URTeC organization, slight modification to the text would not be enough for it to be considered a new paper.

However, if the journal you are submitting is okay with publishing the paper as-is or with only slight modifications, the following text needs to be included:

'Reprinted with permission from the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, LOCATION AND DATE OF MEETING (e.g., Austin, Texas, August 2017), whose permission is required for further use.'

URTeC 2024

17-19 June 2024
George R. Brown Convention Center
Houston, Texas

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