Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts Open – Submit Now

Submission Deadline: 2 December 2024

Submit your abstracts now for Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) from 9–11 June 2025 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas.

URTeC continues to be the premier event focused on the latest science and technology applied to exploration and development of unconventional resources, with special emphasis on integration of the technical/professional disciplines. This event offers an invaluable opportunity to showcase important ideas and case studies essential for all professionals in the unconventional arena. The program committee is seeking abstracts for the themes listed below.

Submit Abstracts

Theme 1: Operators’ Forum: Case Studies Highlighting the Multidisciplinary Approach to Exploration, Appraisal, Pilot Tests, and Development

The Operators’ Forum will focus on case studies that illustrate the integration of multiple disciplines, including geology, geophysics, geomechanics, completions engineering, and reservoir engineering, to evaluate complex datasets and improve asset value. The case studies may focus on the complete life cycle of unconventional plays, from exploration and appraisal to pilot tests and large-scale development. Because this is an Operators Forum, speakers must be operators and the focus of the paper should be on operators’ projects. Team presentations are highly encouraged, and these should have an operator as a lead speaker but can of course incorporate non-operators in the paper and presentations

  1. Well Spacing to Field Development and Stacked Pay Development Strategies
  2. Quantifying, Mitigating and/or Overcoming Parent-Child effects
  3. Case Studies Highlighting Optimizing Completion, Perforation, and Stimulation Strategies
  4. Refracturing, EOR or Other Techniques to Improve Performance and Economics
  5. A focus on Key Unconventional Basins and their Development
  6. New Exploration and Appraisal Opportunities
  7. Sustainability, Rapid Industry Change, and the Social License to Operate
  8. Business Aspects of Unconventional Plays
  9. New Materials and Innovative Technologies Application (Case Studies)

Theme 2: Advanced Formation Evaluation

Formation Evaluation utilizes a combination of well logs, core and fluid analysis, and a variety of interpretation techniques to characterize unconventional reservoirs and reduce subsurface risks. Advanced well logs and special core analysis are playing a significant role for building a robust petrophysical interpretation. Formation evaluation is critical to the identification of the most productive formations for landing horizontal wells, and to rock mechanical model for wellbore stability and completion design.

  1. Integrated Petrophysical Interpretation (Advanced Well Logs, Special Core Analysis, Core-Log Integration)
  2. Advances in Core/Cuttings Analysis and Rock-Fluid Characterization/Interaction
  3. Innovative Logging Measurements and Interpretation Methods
  4. Developments in NMR Logging, Interpretation, and Core Analysis
  5. Geomechanical Integration of Petrophysical Interpretation
  6. Geosteering, Logging, and Monitoring along Horizontal Wells
  7. Applications of Machine Learning in Petrophysical Interpretation
  8. Emerging Unconventional Plays and Case Studies

Theme 3: Geological Characterization and Evaluation Spanning the E&P Lifecycle

The purpose of this theme is to provide an ample forum for geological expertise, in both breadth and depth, to be shared for opportunities and learnings across the oil and gas lifecycle. Critical assessment and prediction of unconventional performance is driven by geological property understanding, uncertainty and integration with other subdisciplines. Geological evaluation of opportunities directly impacts business cycle decisions. Contributions to the theme should share knowledge, expertise and be focused on decision-making impact.

  1. Emerging Geological Evaluations, Tools and Workflows for Prospectivity Assessment
  2. Application of Geological Tools to Unlock Added Value: Is There an Upside?
  3. How do you Access the Acreage and Running Room? Tips and Knowledge Sharing of Geological Subsurface Characterization
  4. Geological Drivers Behind Stimulated and Drainage Rock Volume: Observations, Lessons Learned and Strategies for Assessment
  5. What’s in Your Rock: Geological Integration that Impacted Go-Forward Business Decisions
  6. How Do You Approach Uncertainty and Risk Analysis: Sharing Experiences, Lessons Learned and Best Practices?
  7. International and Emerging Challenges of Unconventional Resources

Theme 4: Geophysical Reservoir Analysis

Geophysics is an essential tool for measuring, diagnosing, and analyzing subsurface properties. The purpose of this theme is to highlight these methods and case studies of their results. In addition, a critical objective is to highlight the interaction with and integration into geological and engineering end products.

  1. High-Resolution Geophysical Acquisition, Processing, and Imaging
  2. Pore Pressure Modeling and Prediction
  3. Predicting Rock Properties using Seismic Inversion
  4. Uncertainties in Geophysical Workflows
  5. Quantifying Completions Efficiency using DTS & DAS
  6. Quantifying Hydraulic Fracture Propagation using Microseismic Data
  7. Integration of DTS/DAS with Microseismic and Seismic Data
  8. Quantitative Imaging and Interpretation of Natural and Induced Fractures and their effect on production
  9. New and Innovative Technologies in Reservoir Imaging and Characterization
  10. Integrating Seismic Data with Multivariate Production Prediction

Theme 5: Geomechanics – The Intersection of Geoscience and Engineering

Geomechanics permeates different aspects of unconventional and conventional reservoir development including drilling, completions and reservoir engineering by integrating mechanics, geology, geophysics, and rock physics to find solutions for economic production of resources. The objective of this theme is to highlight the versatility of this integrative platform in solving the most pressing problems in unconventional reservoirs.

  1. Rock and Hydraulic Fracture Modelling
  2. Geomechanics in Well Design, Construction, and Drilling
  3. Diagnostics and Monitoring with Geomechanical Models
  4. Geomechanics in Production Simulation, Forecasting and Optimization
  5. Infill Drilling and Refracturing; Geomechanical Applications and Lessons Learned
  6. Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing and Drawdown on Well Productivity

Theme 6: Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry including Fluid-Rock Interactions

Unlocking the potential of unconventional resources through the fascinating world of geochemistry and fluid-rock interactions. In this theme, contributions should be focused on applications and break-throughs in the fields of geochemistry and fluid-rock interactions as related to the development, understanding, and impacts of constraining unconventional resources (both predictive and post-auditing). The subcategories should be treated as guides rather than restrictions on submissions.

  1. Case Studies of Geochemistry Applications in Unconventional Plays
  2. Examples of Geochemical Monitoring with Multi-Disciplinary Integration in Unconventional Plays
  3. Impact of Geochemical Reactions on Unconventional Reservoir Performance and Hydrocarbon Recovery
  4. Breakthrough Technologies in Geochemical-based Applications

Theme 7: Applications of Data Science

This theme will focus on various aspects of the new approaches in data science in terms of measurement, analysis, and physics-informed data analytics during the entire lifecycle of reservoir from geological, geophysical and petrophysical exploration and development to how it can help in drilling, completion, and reservoir performance management. Main themes include, but are not limited to, how the data is acquired, managed, and stored as well as used in an integrated fashion beyond the discipline specific workflows. In addition, we will also look at the acquisition, cost-quality pairings, and timing and frequency-redundancy of the data while highlighting the multi-scale nature of it.

  1. Subsurface characterization, applied case studies and business implementation
  2. New approaches, workflows, and best practices; case study examples
  3. Applications in Reserves Estimation and Production Forecasting
  4. Impact to Drilling and Completion(s)

Theme 8: Unlocking the Production and Recovery Potential

Building on strong fundamentals, this theme will focus on maximizing unconventional oil and gas productivity. To get the most from these reservoirs, understanding reservoir flow dynamics, which better enable modeling tools to mimic these processes, and improved artificial lift and facility methods can improve recovery. Due to low primary recovery, enhanced recovery applications could present a significant opportunity for further asset exploitation.

  1. Reservoir Production and Recovery Mechanisms
  2. Flow and Phase Behavior for Tight Oil and Shale Oil/Shale Reservoir Systems
  3. Pressure Transient Testing, DFIT, and Well Testing
  4. Shale Facilities and Artificial Lift Optimization
  5. Case Studies and Implementation in IOR/EOR
  6. EGR (Enhanced Gas Recovery) Methods in Unconventionals
  7. Surfactants and Nanofluids for EOR in Unconventionals
  8. New Materials and Innovative Technologies
  9. EOR in Unconventionals

Theme 9: Reserves Estimation and Production Forecasting

This theme showcases new insights with respect to estimating reserves and forecasting production with an emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of well supported assessments. New techniques to provide reliable forecasts will be explored in moving resources to reserves to production.

  1. EUR and Performance Prediction: Decline Curve Analysis and Beyond
  2. Reserves Implications: Guidelines and Considerations
  3. Future of Production Forecasting: Data-Driven Models and Physics-Based Solutions
  4. Type Well Profiles, early data estimates, and impacts of lifecycle updates
  5. Well Spacing and Well Interference Impact
  6. Production Diagnostics — Understanding the Big Picture on Production Forecasting

Theme 10: Clean Energy Systems for Unconventionals

As oil and gas extraction in unconventional reservoirs continues to grow, new uses for these reservoirs are emerging. In parallel, technology development to create and demonstrate safer and cleaner production systems are being tested and emplaced. Submissions in this theme will look to highlight more sustainable oil and gas operations, transition of use technologies in the energy space, as well as cooperative energy systems.

  1. Innovative Technologies for Energy Transition Applications in Unconventional Reservoirs (Geothermal, Hydrogen and Geologic Storage)
  2. Case Studies Showcasing the Repurposing of Unconventional Technologies for Energy Transition
  3. Energy Storage in Unconventional Resources
  4. Carbon Emissions Monitoring or Reduction in Unconventional Operations
  5. Utilization of Synergistic Energy Systems in Oil and Gas Operations (Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Batteries, etc.)
  6. Critical Minerals Exploration and Extraction
  7. Repurposing of Waste Materials (Conservation)

URTeC 2024

17-19 June 2024
George R. Brown Convention Center
Houston, Texas

Sponsoring Organizations

Endorsing Organizations
